White flowers



Bouquet of White Roses

The bouquet of white roses represents purity, humility, virtue and impeccability, which makes them ideal for weddings and engagements. The white rose, often called the wedding rose, is associated with pure love. The white rose is considered a sign of early marriage and is presented to friends and family on their big day. White roses also represent worship of truth and convey something definite of trustworthiness. New, unadulterated white roses can also revive warm gestures between lifelong loved ones. White roses can be used not only as wedding flowers, but also as sympathy flowers to honor the passing of a friend or family member. They are fresh and rich for all occasions and combine well with other colored roses to change the message being conveyed.

In popular belief, Aphrodite, the goddess of worship, rose from the foaming ocean when she entered the world. The foam of the ocean fell from it, and where it touched the land, white roses began to grow. Each time she grew a little more mature, she rushed to the aid of her injured lover Adonis and got his tissue caught in the thistles of a white-flowered blackberry. His blood dyed the roses red. In folklore, this shows the dual idea of ​​worship: white roses show their virtue and sinlessness, and the transformation into red roses addresses their enthusiasm and experience.

Delivery of bouquet of white roses

White roses are a wonderful choice for paying tribute to your friends and family, making them the ideal rose plan for your winter or spring bouquet. Your roses will be hand-arranged and transported by a neighborhood floral specialist to ensure the highest novelty upon shipment.