Red box




White & Red Roses Box Arrangement | Florist Oxnard

Andy Flowers Design is a prominent Florist in Oxnard,CAwho brings you this amazing Red Box Bouquet that expresses true love and royalty. This bouquet is specially made for people who want to share their expressions with their loved ones.

It contains special red and white roses. This pretty combination is further arranged with baby's breath flowers and long green leaves.

We Provide Same Day Flower Delivery Services in Oxnard!

This combination of flowers is settled in a red paper vase which makes it look soft and elegant. Moreover “Just for You” is also quoted in the middle of the vase in a sweet circular design.

A red ribbon is wrapped along the bouquet to make it more stylish. And we also provide same-day flower delivery in Oxnard, CAso order the bouquet now.

Perfect Combination!

Such a perfect combination of red and white roses in a red vase along with a stunning ribbon tied around the arrangement. This amazing rose bouquet contains the symbol of love since ancient times. This is one of the prettiest flower bouquets in Oxnard, CA which can be yours by simply ordering them now. You can also easily gift this to someone special, by sending these flowers online, the receiver will surely love this sentimental gesture.

We Provide Amazing Collections of Flowers!

Andy Flowers Design brings you a variety of options to choose from apart from this exciting bouquet. Our unique collections have taken over the internet because of our most precious flower arrangements displayed online.

Send Flowers Online in Oxnard

This amazing collection can be well known for its authentic touch that gives the perfect royal look. It is completely suitable to buy for yourself or send as a gift to your loved ones by sending flowers online. The fragrance of these flowers is also amazing and their look is very eye-catching. This is one of our most popular items nowaday and is trending online as a bouquet worth buying.  So, if you love flowers and especially red and white roses then you must give these pretty flowers a chance. This way they can express your loyalty to your loved ones.