Romantic Bouquet of Red Roses with Golden Butterflies


  • 24 red roses
  • wrapped with black cloth
  • Two golden butterflies


Romantic Bouquet of Red Roses with Golden Butterflies

An amazing and wonderful creation of bouquet delivery in oxnard ever seen offered exclusively by Andy Flowers. The stunning creation combines a bouquet of 24 beautifully picked red roses wrapped in a black sheet. Additionally, to advance the look and make it more charming, two golden butterflies are added to it.

The most delicate combination in which the three colors are real and perfectly match each other, be it a golden butterfly, red roses or a black wrapper. The three color variants contrast beautifully with each other. What else do you need for a perfect date?

Beautiful variety of golden butterflies!

An amazing and beautiful piece that completely secures the place no matter who, where and on what occasion. As a gift, this is truly unique and special. It will stand out anywhere no matter who, where or on what occasion it is given. Must try this for flower or butterfly lovers.

This one of a kind piece is a great thing showcasing the beauty of nature with a lovely array of fresh pink and gold butterflies. It would be perfect for any occasion. You will receive compliments on this piece when you present it to someone. In fact, look for aflower shop near oxnardand order one for yourself too, as you may want to get one for yourself as well, which Andy Flowers can easily get.

This is a unique gift. He delivers in an amazing way; the flowers are arranged so perfectly that it looks perfect. You must get this if you love flowers or butterflies. This beautiful piece will ensure that your gift recipient feels special, no matter where they live. The flowers are fresh and the butterflies are lovely.

Unique gift for anyone!

This is a truly beautiful and unique gift, really impressive and very well made. If you are looking for something different, this bouquet of flowers is for you. If you're looking for a unique way to say "I love you," look no further than this stunning arrangement. Get this now before supplies run out and receive it the same day with the special services of oxnard flower delivery by Andy Flowers.


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